Get Connected

Parents Reaching Out

Parents Reaching Out connects families who have recently learned that their child has a permanent hearing difference to Support Parents and other families traveling a similar journey.

Sankofa Midwest

Sankofa Midwest is a peer support group designed and led by Black parents for parents of Black children with special healthcare needs, including autism, neurodiversity and differing abilities.


Children with Complex, Chronic Conditions (or Medical Complexity)

If you are juggling care coordination between 3 or more specialty clinics, frequent hospitalizations or chronic heath conditions for your child, you might want to connect with other families with similar experience.

Rural and Northern Wisconsin

Connecting Families is supporting families in rural parts of Wisconsin grow more ways to connect rural families of children with special health care needs.

Spanish-Speaking Families

Later in 2024, Connecting Families will be partnering with Spanish-speaking families to make it easier for Spanish-speaking families across the state to connect with other Spanish-speaking families of children with special health care needs.

Mother and daughter